11.09Brussel Sprouts with Ham and Apricots Recipe | Jose Andres Jaleo
This Brussel Sprouts with Serrano Ham and Apricots recipe is the creation of culinary mastermind and Celebrity Chef Jose Andres. The dish is featured at Jose’s award winning Spanish tapas restaurant, Jaleo, in Las Vegas at the Cosmopolitan Hotel at City Center. My husband, who has NEVER eaten brussel spouts in his life, LOVED this dish. It is beautifully presented and the baby brussel sprouts are tender and delicious.
For the Sherry dressing
2 tablespoons Spanish extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tablespoon Sherry vinegar
Sea salt to taste
For the salad
3 ounces Brussels sprouts, pulled apart so just leaves
1 tbsp Serrano ham, diced 1/4″
0.5 oz Sherry vinegar
3 dried apricots, diced 1/4″ and rehydrated
2 tablespoons of diced Granny Smith apples
2 tablespoons green grapes, halved
Chopped fresh herbs (thyme, chives)
Whisk together the Sherry vinegar, olive oil and salt in a bowl. Set aside.
In a pot of boiling salted water, blanch Brussels sprout leaves for 1 minute. Drop into an ice bath, cool completely. Remove from water, strain well and set aside.
Just before serving, drop the Brussels sprouts in boiling salted water for 1 minute. Remove with a strainer and dry slightly on a towel. Combine the brussels sprouts in a bowl with the apricots, apples, grapes and fresh herbs. Sprinkle with the ham.
Drizzle with a bit of the Sherry dressing and adjust the salt to taste.
You may have a difficult time getting a reservation . If so, be sure to ask for Jaleo’s charming maitre ‘d, Michael Ploepz. If you’re lucky, Michael will seat you for a cocktail at the bar so you can watch the chefs preparing tapas.
Read more about Jose Andres and be sure to check out Jaleo at the Cosmopolitan Hotel the next time you visit Las Vegas. It’s a fun and happening place!
– The Gourmet Review