09.26Inside Scoop | George V Hotel Head Bartender
Four Season’s George V head bartender, Johann Burgos, was kind enough to answer some questions guests might ask directly, if lucky enough to be enjoying a Parisian nightcap at Le Bar with Johann on duty.
Q Please share with us a memorable story during your tenure as head bartender.
A memorable story between many others was (one particular) service of martinis at a table. We use mini shakers and each guest has (their) own minishaker. That night we had to serve 21 martinis at the same time, so we invited people from the restaurant and concierge to shake with us. Guests were truly amazed.
Q How long have you been at the Georges V and what do you love most about your job there ?
I’m working at the FSGV (Four Seasons Georges V) since June 2004, so almost 6 years now. The FS philosophy, combined with the George V hotel result in an amazing place, with passionate people. So are the guests (passionate), and this is what makes the FSGV so special – the (interaction) on both sides.
Q What is the most commonly ordered cocktail?
The most commonly ordered cocktail would be the family of martinis. We offer an extensive martini selection, from the classic dry martini, (the) Cosmopolitan, to the mango or special creations like the pink pearl. Most of our martinis are served in unusual “snowball” glasses, filled with crushed ice and shaken in front of you by your waiter with a mini shaker.
Q Can you share your signature drink recipe for the “George Fizz” with my readers?
The “George Fizz” (signature cocktail) was created by Antoine Corneille , our Food and Beverage assistant manager and former La Galerie Manager.
Q What do you love most about working for the Georges V?
The passion of the people working at the George V is a true asset. Working in the bar is a travel journey every day. Adapting to the language, mood, tone of each guest is an everyday and every minute challenge. This gives us the opportunity to create fantastic “once in a lifetime” shared exchanges with the people.
Note: Please forgive any errors in translation. They are mine alone.
– The Gourmet Review