08.20Prosciutto and Melon | Easy Appetizer Recipe
Prosciutto and Melon is an easy appetizer recipe and a sure fire family or party pleaser. Quite simply, it’s not only an easy recipe, but a healthy recipe as well.
I’m always looking for a quick dinner recipe that can be beautifully presented. This fits the bill.
Best of all, you can prepare this yummy recipe earlier in the day. How easy is that?
Cantaloupe (make sure it is ripe and can be any melon)
Sliced prosciutto (Have your deli person slice some good Parma prosciutto.Remove the fat. Don’t worry if the slices aren’t perfect. This recipe is better if you stack the pieces of the prosciutto.)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Baby arugula (enough to sprinkle on top for garnish) or micro arugula greens
1 lemon
1 large piece of Parmigiano-Reggiano
Peel the melon. Slice in half and scoop out the seeds.
Take a cookie cutter or anything with an edge that can cut through the melon and select a shape. Keep the cookie cutter on the melon.
Put the pieces of prosciutto on top of the melon (while still in the stack), to easily keep the integrity of the shape.
Top with pinch of micro arugula greens for color. Squeeze a bit of fresh lemon juice and a small drizzle of extra virgin olive oil over the top.
Remove whatever you are using to keep the appetizer shape and your tower should be complete.
Take a chunk of Parmigiano Reggiano (no substitutes please). Use a fork or knife to pull small, uneven chunks and place on your appetizer plate next to the Prosciutto and Melon towers.
The taste combination of the prosciutto, melon, lemon juice and olive is the perfect counterpoint with the Parmigiano!
I have a kit that is called “Stacks: The Art of Vertical Food” that I’ve had in my kitchen cabinet for years. The kit includes round, square and triangle stainless steel molds. It comes with a tamping tool with rod that pushes down any food in the stack to hold the shape.
You can improvise with any molds from your kitchen, but make sure they are tall enough to assemble the tower. My neighbor uses empty cans of mandarin oranges for her stacks. You can find any size tin can of food and do the same.
Why not treat your guests to Wolfgang Puck’s Pappardelle with Garlic and Tomato Recipe as a main course for a perfect dinner combination?
– The Gourmet Review